How to use your Lortone tumbler

Tumbling your silver will give it a high shine and compact the silver making stronger and more durable. Ideally all heavy wear items like rings should be tumbled for a couple of hours.

The Lortone tumbler is an effective way of achieving this high shine with little effort. The rubber drum means it only makes a gentle humming noise. The wing nut on the side of the drum enables quick and easy access with the knowledge that the lid is secure.

For optimum results use one pound of mixed stainless steel shot available from The PMC Studio. The shot consists of three different shapes which work together to get into most places.


Fire and brush you silver piece with a stainless steel brush to smooth the white fired finish this will significantly speed up the tumbling process.

Insert the stainless steel shot into the tumbler and cover with one inch of water or 2-3 cms. Add ½-1 teaspoon of tumbler soap or a few drops of clear washing up liquid such as fairy non-bio. Do not use clouded washing up liquid such as Persil or Waitrose as this will create a horrible brown gungy mixture that will leave a residue on your silver. (If this occurs use silver polish to remove.)

Tumble for 2-3 hours. Finish by polishing it with a little silver polish and polishing cloth. Alternatively you can use polishing papers.

Tumbling Test

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